Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am born and bred in Hull and currently live in Walkington.  I have one young son who has just started school.  I like to watch rugby union and attend motor racing events; my favourite track is Donnington and I’ve been lucky enough to drive around a few circuits over the years.

What were you doing before you joined the Lampada team?

I have been working within tech organisations for the past 30 years, and over the last 10 years I have worked within product and proposition development roles in organisations specialising in telecoms, cloud services and software development.

What is your job role at Lampada?

My role within Lampada is a Product Manager which is very interesting and for sure no day is ever the same. It is my responsibility to manage the product portfolio roadmap and lifecycle of our products, to ensure they are continuously improving and deliver innovative solutions to the challenges our customers have.

Tell us your favourite thing about working at Lampada…

I am relatively new to Lampada and everyone has been so friendly and welcoming.  We have some great products and there is a real desire within the team to keep improving them; but just as exciting, we have customers that want to be involved and go on that journey with us.

What is your proudest achievement?

Having children always trumps this question, but early in my career I worked with a customer in the UK that were part of a worldwide organisation. Their helpline contact centre was bottom of the pile in terms of performance and really struggling. Working with them I designed a new solution which introduced new technology to address their main challenges.  The deployment was a success, and the customer was even more surprised to win an award for the improvements they had made and invited to receive it at their head offices in Japan.  I always find it really fulfilling to see technology succeed and deliver outcomes that exceed customer expectations.

What do you get up to out of work?

Out of work you will usually find my son and I on with our off-road remote-control cars.  We don’t have a dog, so it is a great excuse just to get out and walk a few trails.  As a family we like to go camping, although it has been known for just the boys to sneak off with the tent to the odd motor racing weekend somewhere.  I like making things with wood, although I am definitely no expert.  My latest project is a cabin bed for my son’s bedroom.  I’m not one for gyms but I do like to swim regularly.

What do you prefer, tea or coffee?

Coffee, 1 big teaspoon coffee, 1 big teaspoon sugar.  I don’t drink tea, although I’ve now downgraded to decaf!

What is your favourite movie?

I really struggle with this question as I like lots of different films and genres.  I was a child of Star Wars, so they are always high up on the list.  At the moment, in these unprecedented times of the pandemic,  I have found myself enjoying the films my young son watches just because they put a smile on my face.  I enjoyed Trolls World Tour and Onward so a strange choice of films but in keeping with these unusual times.

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Muhammad Ali, just because he totally transcended his sport.

Do you have a party trick??

Not really, I have been known to flip a good number of beer mats at once after a few Guinness!

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