Research Services (Centre for Human Factors)

Research Services (CFH)

Gain an unprecedented understanding


The Human Factors team includes psychologists and management-science specialists from the University of Hull. With extensive research experience in the effect of human factors in work systems, the team has particular expertise in occupational stress risk and fatigue and long-standing track-records in applied research, including in offshore wind, policing, call centres and local government.

The team is led by Professor Fiona Earle, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist with 20 years’ experience of applied collaborative research in occupational stress risk management. Professors Malcolm Higgs & Terry Williams bring vast experience of applied management-science, having both been Deans of University Business Schools with extensive research and industry engagement. The team have secured £millions in research income and applied research and consultancy, and have extensive collaboration networks. Our team’s research impact was recently rated excellent by the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 Panel, and the University of Hull achieved impressive results overall.

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Benefits (Research Areas)

  • Safety and Productivity in Offshore Wind Technician Transit (SPOWTT)
  • Fatigue: Experimental and Psychometric Analysis
  • Occupational Stress Risk Assessment

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